Francine Stirling

Francine got her start by being born into a musical family. As a child, Francine sang and "directed" songs that were playing on the record player. She and her family often sang gathered around the piano, One grandmother was the church pianist while the other was a honky-tonk piano player. She cannot remember a time when music and singing was not a part of her life. That musical legacy continues to this day with a large extended family that also sings and plays various instruments.
This musical lady, along with her sister Cheryl, then became charter members of the Kern Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines in 1972 after moving to Lake Isabella. Seeing a very tiny ad in the local newspaper for "Sweet Adelines," Cheryl tricked her sister, Francine, into coming with her to check out this group which she thought was a singing group. You see, Cheryl was without a car and she needed her sister to drive them both to the rehearsal hall! Francine of course said "yes!"
One year later they were chosen as the new directors for this small Sweet Adeline chorus, which culminated into a 50 year career as the longest co-directors in the history of the organization. Francine went on to complete her Bachelor of Arts in Vocal Pedagogy with a minor in Music education.
Then it was time for Francine to begin a new adventure as the director of the newly formed Kern River Chorus!
Established in 2022, the Kern River Chorus is a co-ed, local, community chorus. Welcoming men and women, boys and girls, the Kern River Chorus sings a variety of music, both acapella and accompanied. Francine is excited about the possibilities this choral group has to offer it's members as well as the community at large.
With so much raw talent, musical history, and extensive vocal education, Francine has much wisdom and expertise to impart to the members of Kern River Chorus! We look forward to learning more about singing well and having fun doing it at each and every rehearsal.
Thank you, Francine, for being the heart of the Kern River Chorus!